Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mooreland Fair Parade...

We had nice turn out for the Mooreland Parade, a big crowd and excellent weather. You can tell how big a parade is by the amount of candy we pass out. This was a 20 pounder!!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Loyal Opposition...

My opponents for the fall election, Republican Tom Saunders, the incumbent, and fellow challenger, Democrat David Sadler stopped by our booth at the Mooreland Fair.

They're a couple of really nice guys, but a little mistaken about the amount of government I need in my life.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Williamsburg Parade

Another hot day for a parade, and instead of the people of Williamsburg coming downtown for the parade, I think they just ran the parade past everyone's house! It was a loooooooong parade, but we met a lot of people, handed out a lot of candy, and hopefully picked up some support and a few votes. We get a lot of favorable comments anyway. Thanks to all that came out and helped. Namely, Myron and Phyllis Bell, Marvin and Cheryl Heacox, Karen Miller, Gayle Bond and Hannah Beechler.