Thursday, November 09, 2006


First of all, let me thank you for your support in my campaign for the Indiana District 54 House of Representatives seat. Needless to say I am disappointed that we didn’t win, but someone who was a lot smarter than me once said that all things are relative, so I decided to examine the outcome of the election in that light.

Obviously we didn’t do as well as the 33% an earlier poll had predicted for us. The poll was based on decided voters, and perhaps the undecided voters were persuaded by the $150,000.00 that my opponents spent the last week of the campaign. It could be that the poll didn’t include a diverse enough cross-section of the district, or it could be that people in voting booths often revert to old voting habits at the last minute. We have a couple of years to figure out what went wrong and how to correct it. Right now I’d like to examine the positives.

In Wayne County, we received 23% of the vote. We won 5 precincts, and finished 2nd, ahead of the Democrat, in 3 precincts. We also won a precinct in Henry County.

Our total for the district was 14.4%, up over 10% from our 2004 showing in this particular race.

One of the most positive outcomes was the amazing amount of support we received from around the country. The moral and financial support that came in was just amazing. It truly is a great time to be a Libertarian, and it gets better every election.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It can only go one of two ways.

There are two ways that government can change. We know it's not going to stay the same size. It can grow bigger, more obtrusive and more expensive, or it can get smaller, less obtrusive and less expensive.

I've been around for 54 years, and the government has grown by leaps and bounds in that amount of time. In the last 25 years I've seen the property taxes on my home increase by over 450%. In the past 10 years I've seen my property rights dwindle as governments claim to my property became stronger.

It doesn't really matter if the Republicans or the Democrats were in control, or if they shared control. Government has continued to grow, and I have no reason to believe that it won't continue to grow as long as the Republicans and Democrats retain control.

I'm running for District 54 Representative on the Libertarian ticket because I believe we can live a better life with less government and lower taxes. That is something that you can count on from Libertarians. A desire for smaller government. Not all Libertarian candidates agree on every detail of the Libertarian philosophy, but to the candidate they agree we must cut the size, cost and intrusiveness of our government.

When was the last time you could count on that from a Republican or Democrat?

I'll be publishing comments and positions on this portion of my blog. If you have specific questions or concerns, you can list them in the comments, or contact me at